Assembly, No. 1395 state of new jersey 217th legislatureAssembly, No. 1395 state of new jersey 217th legislature
Allows qualifying counties and municipalities to become "agriculture development counties" and “agriculture development municipalities” and provides certain associated resulting benefits therefrom to encourage, protect
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Senate, No. 1384 state of new jersey 213th legislatureSenate, No. 1384 state of new jersey 213th legislature
Allows qualifying counties to become "agriculture enterprise counties" and provides certain associated resulting benefits therefrom to encourage, protect, and preserve agriculture
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Esg certificationsEsg certifications
In accordance with the applicable statutes and the regulations governing the consolidated plan regulations, the jurisdiction certifies that
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Contention one is overfishing Current federal policy impedes offshore aquaculture—ensures the us is dependent on unsustainable sourcesContention one is overfishing Current federal policy impedes offshore aquaculture—ensures the us is dependent on unsustainable sources
Johns 2013 (Kristen L. [Usc school of Law; B. S. Environmental Systems: Ecology, Behavior and Evolution, University of California San Diego]; Farm fishing holes: Gaps in federal regulation offshore aquaculture; 86 S. Cal. L. Rev. 681; kdf)
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Usaid policy Guidance onUsaid policy Guidance on
Delegated Cooperation and Responsibility Determinations Regarding Development Partners: Requirements and Resources
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